Health Center Projects

Puetro Arturo Health Clinic

Renovations & Latrines

The renovation of the Health Center at Puerto Arturo began in late September, 2009 with the replacement of the roof, improvement of the water system and installation of two flush toilets and two washbowls. This work was completed by a local contractor under the supervision of H2H-T as we knew that the roof would not make it through until we arrived in February. When the H2H-T volunteers arrived in Tela in mid-February, the renovation of the Center continued. Volunteers constructed two examination rooms, a nurse’s station, a room to store medical supplies and an administrative office. Lockable doors were installed in each of the five rooms and a large medical cabinet, constructed by an H2H-T volunteer, was affixed to the wall in the nurse’s station.

The exterior of the building required a great deal of cement work to fill holes and cracks. Two exterior walls of the building were skim-coated with mortar to provide a smooth surface for subsequent painting. The entire facility was painted inside in a blue tone and the exterior in a cream/yellow tone with a terracotta at the base. The end results of the painting process were very gratifying, and the volunteers worked diligently and happily in the small confined spaces. The exterior painting offered close visits by the neighboring cattle. Final completion – the window company in installing building glass in all the windows; Nurse Elba is having their employees clean the porch area; and an engineer will apply some chemicals so that the grass isn’t as high.

Buenos Aires Health Center

New Ceiling

The Women’s Health Brigade held a clinic at this health center, and it was noted that a ceiling was critically needed. One of the H2H-T volunteers made it his goal to supply the funds for this, and the project is currently underway, being supervised by Dr. Alvarenga. In addition, a badly needed new toilet seat was purchased and installed.